Free Lamborghini VIN Check
Run’s free VIN check and search vehicle records in the United States, the largest market for Lamborghini with over one thousand registered units in 2016:
Lookup a VIN to get a full vehicle history report. It includes thefts, accidents, recalls, sales, titles, specifications and more. compiles information from official government sources. Then, they use it to provide a free car report for buyers.
Lamborghini Recall Lookup
A few Lamborghini Aventador and Veneno supercars caught fire in 2017. As a result, NHTSA has recalled 5,900 supercars due to fire risk. Take a look at the recall summaries to confirm any safety recall. Contact an authorized Lamborghini dealer to know more.
You can also lookup any VIN for recalls at the official NHTSA website.
Other Resources for Lamborghini
Other resources has compiled for Lamborghini vehicles include:
- Owner’s Manual (Lamborghini Website)
- Safety Ratings (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
- Market Values (Kelly Blue Book)
- Lamborghini Reviews (
- Lamborghini Cars for Sale (
Background on Lamborghini
Ferruccio Lamborghini was the man behind Lamborghini. He wanted to build a great grand touring car to compete with marques like Ferrari. In 1963, he founded the Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Today, they are known for producing luxury supercars, sports cars and SUVs.
Interesting facts about Lamborghini:
- Taurus, the founder’s zodiac sign, inspired the company’s bull logo. Many Lamborghini cars were named after famous bulls too. This is partly because the founder himself was fond of Spanish bullfighting.
- The Lamborghini Islero got its name from a popular bull. It was an Urraco-bred Miura bull that killed a famous bullfighter in 1947.
- In 1998, Audi bought Lamborghini for an unknown price. Many believed the company’s worth at $111 million.
- The Italian police got two units of Lamborghini Gallardo in 2004. These were replaced later by the Huracán LP 610-4 Polizia.
Popular models from Lamborghini include:
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Why should I run a Lamborghini VIN Check?
- Check for accidents. On average, six million units suffer a vehicle accident each year. And luxury cars are likely reported for an insurance claim.
- Check for title brands. Watch out for titles like flood and salvage. They are clues of a vehicle’s troubled history.
- Check for special labels like taxi, rented or police-use.
- Check for thefts. Lookup a VIN to check for an active theft or previously recovered theft.
Run a Lamborghini VIN Check to reveal all your vehicle’s story: